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All's Fairy in Love and War (Avalon: Web of Magic #8) Page 11
All's Fairy in Love and War (Avalon: Web of Magic #8) Read online
Page 11
“The Dark Sorceress and her allies.”
Kara stiffened, remembering the terrifying nightmares that reached for her. “They’re trying to steal my magic.”
“You are the blazing star,” Lucinda said simply.
Kara hung her head. “I want to believe that,” she cried, feeling vulnerable and lost. “But I don’t even know who I am.”
Lucinda’s rosy lips curved in a gentle smile. “All that matters is what is in your heart.” Glowing planes of light coalesced, wavering and rippling over the mirror’s surface, taking on dreamy, hazy images—scenes from Kara’s memories. They began playing like movies before her eyes. She watched, transfixed.
Five years old—ignoring her mother’s instructions, she was swept from the beach into the ocean, terrified as the strong undertow pulled her down.
This is surreal, Kara thought, as the next one came.
Age eight—riding her favorite horse, Sugarpie, in competition. The moment she had dreamed of, so sure she would come in first because she was always the best. She had come in third and had thrown a tantrum.
Age ten—Kara singing karaoke and making a total spectacle of herself. Heather, Tiffany, and Molly were rolling and laughing so hard, they spit out their popcorn. She was always the most popular, always the center of attention.
Kara watched the memories continue to play. She was surprised that her emotions had grown stronger with time, how this video-diary shaped who she was and set the stage for what would come next.
Two girls she had nothing in common with, and who couldn’t possibly know what she was all about. But they had something Kara didn’t. Something beyond anything Kara had ever dreamed possible.
Clumsy Emily walking a whole pack of dogs and getting herself completely entangled in the leashes. Tiffany and Heather were so mean to her, and Kara didn’t do anything about it. Kara was not proud of her first encounter with the healer.
Dark haired, tough Adriane, in Kara’s face because Kara had promised not to tell anyone about the “purple bear,” Phel. But that’s exactly what she had done. Kara grimaced, knowing how she had jeopardized the lives of all the animals and the secret of Ravenswood.
Kara placed her trembling hands on Emily’s healing jewel and Adriane’s wolf stone. Magic flooded through her senses like wildfire. She didn’t understand it, but knew she wanted it more than anything.
Kara reached for the horn of the unicorn, stealing it from the Ravenswood library. She didn’t care what happened as long as she got the magic.
All Kara had wanted was her own jewel. How selfish that seemed now.
Emily and Adriane had accepted her in spite of who she was: spoiled, vain, and inconsiderate. But Kara had changed. She saw that now, as crystal clear as a mirror.
The images disappeared, and Lucinda stood before her. “What we leave behind makes us who we are.”
“But what’s wrong with me?” Kara cried. “Why can’t I use my magic?”
“Because, Kara. The magic is not for you.”
There it was. Panic twisted Kara’s stomach. It had all been a mistake. The magic had never been meant for her.
“Kara, the gift of a blazing star is to make others shine more brightly. Not yourself.”
Kara took a deep breath, trying to think it through. She had always been strongest with Adriane and Emily by her side, giving her magic to them.
“This is your time,” Lucinda said softly, “when the magic first comes alive. You can feel it, can’t you?”
Kara nodded helplessly. Even now, she could feel the magic blazing inside of her. If she let it go, she feared she would fall apart, vanish like a dream.
“It’s too strong,” Kara cried. “I don’t know how to use it.”
“So many love you, and will help.”
“Like Lyra.” Kara lowered her eyes.
“Kara, there is something else.”
Kara turned wide blue eye to Lucinda.
“You have some idea of what the Dark Sorceress is capable of.”
Kara nodded grimly.
“She covets the magic of Avalon and will use you to get it. Even trapped, she reaches out through dreams.” Lucinda’s eyes flashed. “But make no mistake, she will strike again and she will strike hard.”
Kara felt shivers down her back. “What could happen?” she whispered.
“Are you sure you want to see?”
Kara steeled herself. “Yes.”
Lucinda waved her hand, summoning an unfamiliar set of images.
The Dark Sorceress sat upon her throne, ready to send her vast armies onto the magic web. All she had to do was give the order and worlds would be hers. The power of Avalon’s magic was inescapable, seducing, infecting, and changing every part of her being.
Kara looked closer at the animal eyes of the sorceress and gasped. They were ice blue—Kara’s eyes.
Queen Kara lazily touched her unicorn jewel, then fingered two bracelets upon her wrist. Each held a different gem—the rainbow jewel and the wolf stone.
Shock, grief, and guilt consumed Kara. “That can’t be what will happen!” she cried as the horrible images faded.
“That is up to you.” Lucinda smiled gently. “The future is shaped by your choices. It is what makes you so powerful.”
Kara nodded.
“You are the spark, waiting to ignite a fire. You must embrace the fire and chose to become the blazing star!” Lucinda’s luminous form began to waver like a reflection in rippling water—
“Wait!” Kara cried.
—but Kara was already moving, falling. She stepped out of the mirror blindly, wincing as bright light seared her eyes.
A sharp cry pierced the air—something was in agony.
Goldie was searching for the source.
“Where, Goldie?”
Goldie took off, Kara running behind.
They crested a grassy hill and skidded to a stop. Rocky outcroppings, brush, and tall reeds lined a river as it coiled though high banks. In the distance, the mountains kept rising, blanketing the horizon with sparkling crystal peaks.
Another cry. Kara’s heart twisted. Her jewel surged, compelling her to move forward. She ran, boots crunching through tough cattails.
Scrambling over jagged rocks, Kara followed the pull of her gem and rounded a bend. At the base of a rocky hill was a large hollow, protected by a jutting overhang. Goldie fluttered above, squeaking and screeching. The entire hollow glowed pale reddish orange, reflecting flames.
Without thinking, Kara rushed forward, her heart pounding.
The stallion was down, entangled in wet grass and reeds. His fiery body sizzled and flickered as he lashed out with a flaming hoof, struggling to get to his feet. Red hot waves surged up, licking greedily at Goldie, as if they would devour the small dragon.
“No!” Kara cried, dashing into the shallow waters. Desperation hit her like a fist. She could feel the horse’s need pulling at her magic, drawing her closer.
The horse looked nothing like the awesome stallion she had seen less than a day ago in the arena. Spots on his flaming coat were dark, dissipating like dying coals. Fire flared in swirls and loops, bursting into the shape of a horse before melting back into pure flames. The horse was desperately trying to hold his form together.
“Please, let me help you,” Kara implored. Sparks flew from her unicorn jewel as she stepped closer. She clamped down her magic and focused on the horse’s ferocious need.
“Easy,” she said. “I can help you.”
The fire stallion flashed and fluttered, taking then losing shape. Fire streaked up and down his back, sending snaking tendrils into the sky. The spell that held him together was almost gone.
Kara moved closer, realizing that her unicorn jewel was protecting her from the intense heat. She reached into her jacket and pulled out the shining Blue Rose. The stallion’s wide eyes locked on the swirling blue magic. Gasping, he struggled forward.
Kara felt her magic surge from her
jewel, but she held it steady. Something had changed. Kara had reached another level of control.
The glimmering azure magic of the rose grew more intense. Closing her eyes in concentration, Kara reached out to the stallion. His wildly unstable magic trembled across her senses, pulling, grasping at her.
Magic fire burned through Kara, struggling for release. But she wasn’t afraid. She opened her heart to the stallion—and let her magic go.
This time there was no crazy, unfocused explosion—just the Blue Rose blooming in her hand, its shimmering petals spreading and brightening. The rose slowly lost its form and changed into a ball of pure elemental magic. Spreading her hands, Kara washed the magic over the stallion.
Instantly a blast of heat surged from his body. Trails of raging fire pulled back and tightened into solid form. In one powerful movement, the stallion was on his feet, his strong muscles pulsing with whorls of brilliant fire. The reeds and swamp grass melted away in a hiss of smoke.
Stamping fiery hoofs, the huge stallion ran up the bank and stopped. He turned his golden eyes to Kara.
“Who are you?” the horse asked, bright flames trailing from his mane and tail.
“I’m Kara.” She smiled.
The horse snorted, accepting her name.
Kara climbed up the bank and stood near the stallion. “And you?”
The stallion reared, fire raging from his body. He stamped the ground, spilling flames across the damp grass.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have no name,” the stallion cried, eyes flashing in pain and sadness.
Kara moved closer.
The stallion lowered his blazing orange head. She stretched out her hand wonderingly. As her fingers touched the stallion’s glowing cheek, brilliant magic sparkled from her jewel, sending her long hair flowing back from her face and ruffling the stallion’s fiery forelock. This was not the uncontrolled storm of magic fire she had come to fear. This was soft and gentle, full of love and kindness. The horse stepped back, but Kara moved forward, protected by her jewel, until her hand tamed the wild fire of his mane.
“You’re so beautiful,” she spoke softly, running her hand over his neck, settling the flames. “Like a star shining on my heart. I will call you Starfire.”
The stallion stood straighter.
“Starfire. It is a good name,” he said proudly.
The horse whinnied and snorted, prancing and dancing.
Kara laughed joyfully as Goldie tumbled happily above her head. The blazing star reached out impulsively and hugged the stallion’s great neck. She felt the magic fire drumming through his form, a fierceness barely contained, as wild and intense as her own.
Starfire lowered his head over Kara’s shoulder. She closed her eyes. They stood together on the bank listening to the river flowing gently past.
“What is it?” Kara pressed her face against Starfire’s cheek, sensing his great need.
“I am fire,” he said sadly, and Kara understood.
She saw the images from his mind. Tangoo had created the horse from Firemental magic, then locked him in a cage. Like the Blue Rose, the stallion was just a shell to hold magic; nothing more than a tool to be used to get the power crystal.
“We are both being used,” Kara said.
“We will run away!” Starfire snorted.
“I can’t do that. My friends need me.”
“I don’t understand.”
Kara gazed at her new friend. He had been formed from fire. How could he choose anything when he had no one to help him, to love him?
“Do you remember anything else?” she asked.
The horse whinnied sadly. “I have no past.”
Kara stepped back and stared into Starfire’s brilliant golden eyes. “Then I’ll give you mine.”
Starfire returned her stare curiously.
Holding the unicorn jewel tightly, Kara closed her eyes and let the memories flood through her. Everything Lucinda had shown to her and more, she now gave to Starfire, freely, unconditionally, opening her heart and sharing the very essence of herself with the stallion. All the joy, pain, love, and loneliness of growing up. Images of her family, her friends, everything that meant something to her, and finally, Lyra.
The unicorn jewel streamed with dazzling light and entwined with the stallion’s glowing red flames. Starfire’s eyes opened in wonder.
Kara moved to his side. She grasped his mane and leaped onto his back. Settling in, she felt as comfortable as if they had ridden together every day of their lives.
Suddenly Kara laughed aloud, stretching her arms wide, reveling in the strength of their combined magic. She had given Starfire a reason to live and the freedom to chose his own future. And, in return, he had freed her, too. Freed her to do what she must.
Sensing his bonded’s need, Starfire reared. “We must ride!”
THE RULERS OF the Five Kingdoms sat in their respective thrones, waiting. The air bristled with energy, filling the ring with a sense of urgency that made the gathered crowds even more anxious.
Selinda rose and walked to the center of the ring. “I was hoping Tangoo’s plan would work.”
Queen Raelda joined her. “The blazing star was a worthy choice, but not even she can change the inevitable.”
As if on cue, lightning split the skies overhead, leaving jagged streaks of purple and red.
“What say you, Tangoo?” Selinda spoke as the gaunt sorcerer approached. He looked haggard, as if he hadn’t slept in weeks.
“We must have patience, my ladies.” Tangoo’s eyes darted up as another bolt tore a blaze of green through the sky.
“We are out of both patience and time,” Raelda said brusquely, her face set in grim lines. “The Fairy Realms must be completely sealed off.”
The Fairy Queen’s intense violet eyes met Raelda’s. “You know we cannot allow that. The web as we know it would be destroyed.”
Raelda’s gaze hardened. “So be it.”
“Surely there must be another way,” Selinda implored the Goblin Queen and her sorcerer.
“Only Avalon’s magic can save us.” Tangoo nervously gazed at the Fairy Queen.
Selinda raised her hand, drawing all eyes toward her. She took a deep breath and called out, “Before the die is cast and war is upon us, I ask our brothers and sisters of the Five Kingdoms. Is there anyone here who will ride for the fairies?”
Her challenge echoed over the Fairy Ring. It was met with silence.
Selinda took another breath and called out again. “Who will ride for the fairies?”
Suddenly, a thunderous roar shook the ground as a jagged bolt of lightning shot across the Fairy Ring. The crowd shrieked as a blaze of fire erupted where the bolt had struck.
Then the firelight dimmed, and an awed silence washed over the crowds.
Kara sat proudly upon the fire stallion’s back. The amazing elemental horse reared on his hind legs, sending fire swirling into the sky. The blazing star called out, her voice strong and confident, “We will ride for the fairies!”
Pandemonium broke out as the kings and queens all rose at once. Selinda, Raelda, and Tangoo rushed to the stallion’s side.
“You see, I told you!” Tangoo’s eyes were dancing with delight.
“Well done, Princess Kara,” Selinda said, smiling radiantly.
As Tangoo drew closer, the stallion stamped and snorted, his fire leaping and licking the air. Kara ran her hand over the mighty horse’s neck, instantly calming the flames.
Raelda’s eyes were wide in amazement. “Indeed, Princess. You have shown tremendous resolve.”
“Yes, yes.” Tangoo rubbed his hands together anxiously. “That is precisely why this plan will work.”
“What do you require of us?” Kara asked.
Tangoo rushed to the mirror by Selinda’s throne, his long, patterned robes billowing out behind him.
“The princess and the fire stallion will jump through a series of four mirrors,” he explained. “Each mirror leads to a
place of extremely strong elemental magic, the same magic used to create the power crystal of the Fairy Realms. You must forge four talismans, one each of water, air, earth, and fire.”
“So the magic will take form like the Blue Rose,” Kara said. She felt Starfire tense. “Don’t I need a spell?”
“That is why you ride the fire stallion.” Tangoo grinned proudly. “Your magic combined with the Firemental’s should be more than enough to form each talisman.” Tangoo pulled a shimmering silver pack from beside the mirror and handed it to her. “Place the talismans in here. The combination of the four should attract the power crystal.”
Kara nodded, slinging the pack over her shoulders.
“A fifth mirror will return you here, to the Fairy Ring.” Tangoo’s black eyes seemed to bore into her. “I have every confidence events will unfold exactly as I have planned.”
Over the chatter of the excited crowd, Raelda said, “I am sure I speak for everyone here, Princess Kara, when I wish you success. May your magic keep you safe.”
“Thank you.” Kara nodded her head respectfully, then scanned the ring for Lorren. But the boy wasn’t there. She felt a sudden pang of guilt. She hoped he had made it safely back from the Spider Witch’s lair. At least there was one thing she knew for sure. She patted the fire stallion, this creature forged from magic, now risking his life for her. The blazing star and the Firemental stallion, their destinies intertwined, riding for Lyra, for the Fairy Realms, the magic web, and for Avalon itself.
Kara smiled gratefully at Goldie. The mini nodded, steadfast, her golden jeweled eyes swirling with determination. Without Goldie, Kara would never have made it this far.