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All's Fairy in Love and War (Avalon: Web of Magic #8) Page 15
All's Fairy in Love and War (Avalon: Web of Magic #8) Read online
Page 15
Kara hugged the cat, burying her face in silky orange fur.
Lyra eyed the power crystal clutched in Lorren’s hand. “I hope I didn’t miss much.”
Kara smiled, suddenly exhausted. “Just the usual.”
“That bad?” the cat asked, alarmed.
Kara sniffled, then laughed as Goldie landed on Lyra’s head. She grabbed the mini and hugged her friends. “Let’s go home.”
“THIS WILL NEVER do!” Raelda yelled, sharp green eyes flashing.
“It is the only way!” Selinda shouted back.
“I fear you are wrong!” Raelda matched her peer’s obstinate tone.
The stout Goblin Queen and the tall Fairy Queen faced off, staring defiantly at each other, faces flushed with anger.
“Ladies, ladies.” Kara swept into the room, alarmed. “Your guests are waiting!”
“Ah, Princess Kara.” Selinda stood back, arms crossed. “Would you please tell my stubborn neighbor that my choice is correct—”
“Kara, my dear,” Raelda broke in, hands on hips. “Tell the most gracious Fairy Queen what is best for my ballroom.” She waved her hands, indicating the vast room in Castle Garthwyn, which was lined by huge, bare windows.
Kara studied the two rolls of fabric covering a long table. Selinda had chosen a flowery yellow damask. Raelda’s selection was a deep blue velvet brocade.
“Curtains are totally crucial in any decorating scheme,” Kara said, tapping her fingers to her chin. She scrutinized the completely opposite fabric selections, and then took in the sun-drenched ballroom. Rich oak paneling covered the high walls, and tiles of deep muted gold, like falling leaves, spanned the wide floor. “What this room needs is color…”
Selinda nodded smugly.
“But also regal elegance.”
Raelda nodded back at Selinda.
“How about this?” Kara selected a roll of beautiful lavender sateen, accented with streaks of royal blues and deep violets.
“Not bad,” Raelda mused, holding up the fabric.
“Royal yet colorful,” Selinda agreed.
The two queens smiled at each other.
Lorren hurried into the ballroom, buttoning his black jacket and slicking back his dark hair.
“Whoa, this time we’re gonna have a real war!”
“King Rolok?” Raelda asked.
“Everyone.” Lorren smiled at Kara. “They’ve all been arguing ever since they got here.”
Raelda led Kara out to the ballroom’s grand balcony overlooking the grotto. “Come, we must settle this matter of your mentor.”
“We’ve been doing fine by ourselves,” Kara said.
“Tsk, tsk!” Raelda wagged her finger. “My dear, it is simply not proper for young mages to not have a mentor.”
“Your power even surprised me,” Selinda said seriously.
“She did everything you asked of her,” Lorren muttered. “And more.”
Raelda whispered loudly to Kara. “I’ve introduced him to every goblin girl in the kingdom.”
Kara glanced at the queen.
“But I think he has eyes for someone special.” Raelda winked.
“Mother!” Lorren’s cheeks flushed green.
“Oh, hush!” She slipped Kara’s arm into his as they walked down the wide staircase. “Now escort the princess to the party!”
If not for the hundreds of frolicking guests and lively music, Garthwyn Grotto would have seemed a sanctuary hidden deep within the heart of the forest. Sparkling waterfalls tumbled down huge quartz rocks, filling a series of stone pools with crystal blue waters. Lush ferns grew near the glittering mist of waterfalls, and giant redwoods ringed the grotto like silent sentinels.
Guests from the Five Kingdoms were chatting, eating, laughing, and swimming, enjoying the spectacular afternoon.
All eyes turned to the princess of magic and the Goblin Prince as they descended the gleaming marble staircase that led into the grotto.
Kara felt like Cinderella at the ball.
“Such a handsome couple,” a dwarf in striped swimming trunks said with approval as he belly flopped into the pool.
Kara and Lorren strolled near the food stands that lined the grotto’s edge. Amazing pastries, strange looking pizzas with green cheese, bowls of purple chips and flower-shaped chocolates sat on tables jam-packed with endless varieties of snacks. A thick, yet delicious smelling steam billowed from one table. The bright banner draped high above the grill proclaimed:
Kara coughed, waving away a cloud of smoke, and smiled at the two fairy creatures working furiously over the hot grill. “I see you’re onto your next daring mission.”
“We’re out of the adventuring game,” Musso declared, smearing a gob of barbeque sauce on his white apron. His aviator cap had been replaced with a tall, puffy chef’s hat. “With the Fairy Realms at peace, everyone’s gonna want to rave.”
“And our barbequed cheese sticks are going to be the life of any party!” Sparky added, waving a skewer dripping with cheese in the air.
“Not bad,” Lorren said, sampling a cheesy bit.
Kara searched the crowd. With the Ravenswood portal now reopened, all her friends had been invited to the celebration. She found them standing near a glittering waterfall and waved.
Kara had given Emily and Adriane a complete tour of the Fairy Palace before the party, including the magic closet. Emily looked beautiful with her hair piled into a mass of flame red ringlets and wearing a sky blue sundress and heeled silver sandals. Her healing jewel glowed with bright rainbow sparkles. Adriane stood next to her, gleaming dark hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. A wraparound white silk shirt set off her sparkling black eyes, with stylish jeans and leather jacket completing the outfit. Her golden wolf stone shone proudly upon her black and turquoise band.
Kara herself had chosen cream-colored linen drawstring Capris with small flowers embroidered on the hems, a matching pink tank top, and strappy off-white sandals. Her hair fell down her back in a cascade of gentle golden curls.
Dreamer dashed onto the sprawling lawns beyond the grotto, playing with a group of excited young pixies. Goldie zoomed around with Fiona, Fred, Blaze, and Barney, sampling the snacks.
Kara walked toward her friends, Lorren at her side. “Emily, Adriane, this is Prince Lorren.”
Healer and warrior grinned at the cute goblin.
Lorren bowed deeply. “Never has there been a day when such lovely ladies have graced Castle Garthwyn. Your beauty outshines your jewels.”
Emily mouthed to Kara, “He’s adorable!”
Kara blushed, then elbowed Lorren playfully. “Watch it Prince, your Zorro is leaking.”
“No more disguises for me. I’ve hung up my cape,” Lorren said.
“Aw, and we were looking forward to seeing the dashing mystery guy in action,” Adriane grinned.
“A friend taught me not to hide who I really am.” He smiled at Kara. “I’ll be able to do more good as the Goblin Prince than I ever could have as the Forest Prince.”
“Honored guests, your attention, please.” Queen Raelda’s voice rose above the clamor, commanding everyone’s attention. A beaming young goblin girl in red velvet robes stood beside her.
Raelda continued, “With the recent departure of our sorcerer, it is my pleasure to present the new Goblin Court Sorceress, the Lady Tasha!”
As the crowd clapped, Tasha ran to the mages. “Do you believe this?” she asked, giggling.
“You deserve it,” Lorren told his friend, giving her a hug.
“Congratulations,” Kara said with a warm smile.
“Now we must settle the matter of our princess,” Dwarf King Rolok called out. “She must have a proper mentor.”
The Dwarf King stood among a group of trolls, goblins, elves, dwarves, and fairies. In the center, shampooed, fluffed, and wearing a bright Hawaiian shirt, was Ozzie, trying to balance a plate piled high with waffles.
ess,” Troll King Ragnar said. “You have shown us brilliant power by saving our lands. And for that we are forever grateful. But frankly, we could have given the Fairimentals not one power crystal, but two! Power such as yours can be corrupted.”
A chill ran down Kara’s spine.
“The path to Avalon is more dangerous now than ever.” Ragnar crossed his arms and scowled.
“We insist the mages accept a mentor from the dwarves!” King Rolok demanded. “After all, we are the hardest working race in the Fairy Realms.”
“Oh, I suppose you think fairies are just cute little woodfolk who spend their lives prancing about in the moonlight?” Fairy King Oriel demanded. “Well, we don’t. We work!”
Brownies, spriggens, and pixies floating in pool chairs and sipping tall glasses of lemonade waved.
“Princess Kara, who would you chose to be your mentor?” Troll Queen Grethal asked.
“Hey, what about me?” Ozzie demanded. “The Fairimentals sent me to find the mages in the first place!”
“Sir Ozymandius, with all due respect, you are not trained in the magic and natural sciences,” Dwarf King Rolok said dismissively.
“Gak! These are teenage girls, they don’t come with instructions!” Ozzie sputtered.
“The mages need a fairy mentor,” the Fairy King continued. “There’s conjuring, spells and spellsinging, black magic, white magic, wizard magic, witches’ brews, horrible curses—”
“And what about focusing the magic?” the Goblin King joined in. “There’s magic mirrors, crystal balls, power jewels, talismans—”
“Gentlemen, ladies,” Raelda called out. “Please, this is a party not a debate.”
“Tell us, young mage,” King Rolok commanded. “What do you know about magic?”
Everyone stopped arguing as a hush fell over the entire party. All eyes turned to Kara.
“I know what I feel.” Kara’s hand went to her heart. “I know magic always starts here. And here, with my friends.” She nodded, indicating Emily, Adriane, Ozzie, Dreamer, Goldie, and Lyra.
The healer and the warrior stepped forward and handed Kara the silver pack she’d gotten back from Tangoo. Even though Kara’s magic had made the elemental talismans, they had never belonged to her. She understood that true power was not in using the talismans for herself, but in recognizing where they would do the most good.
Confidently, she stepped forward to address the kings and queens.
“King Ragnar and Queen Grethal,” she said, turning to the massive trolls. “This gift is for you, so you may always feel the magic of laughter.”
She handed the perplexed Troll King the shining purple bunny slippers. He broke out in a wide, toothy grin as he held up the elemental water magic.
The crowd cheered.
“King Landiwren and Queen Elara, this is for you.” She handed the Elf Queen the glowing pearly air elemental harp. “So you may always have the magic of music to inspire you.”
The Elf Queen held the harp high in her graceful hand, setting off another round of applause.
“King Rolok and Queen Praxia.” Kara took the quicksilver heart from the bag. All eyes went wide. “For you, so you may always know the magic of love and kindness.”
The dwarves cheered.
“And for you Queen Raelda and King Voraxx.” She smiled at the goblins and placed the sparkling yellow sunstone in the queen’s green hand. “So your wisdom and grace may shine over us all.”
Raelda took and the gift and hugged Kara tightly. “Thank you, Princess.”
Finally, Kara turned to the fairy rulers. “Queen Selinda and King Oriel, I have a gift for you, too.” Kara took the final talisman out of the bag and handed it to the queen.
Selinda gasped at the dazzling fire-red rose, exquisitely constructed from pure elemental magic. Its glowing light sparkled brightly in her violet eyes. “Child, where did you get this?”
“I made it.” Kara paused. “Well, Tasha and Goldie helped me. It contains each of the four elements, working together to make strong magic.”
Kara and Selinda hugged warmly.
“I shall treasure this always.”
The crowd cheered.
Queen Selinda addressed the royalty, and all the creatures gathered. “I think the princess has shown us that, in spite of our differences, we are unified by a common cause: our love for our lands and respect for all living things. Is that not true magic?”
The crowd cheered in agreement, whistling and applauding enthusiastically.
“But what about a mentor?” King Rolok pressed.
Selinda smiled at Kara, Emily, and Adriane, then answered. “We will give the mages full access to all of our resources. We shall pledge to help them however we can, together.”
Selinda smiled and reached for a silver carrying case. “Now, I have something for you, Princess.” The case shook and rattled persistently. “They insisted.”
The case popped open, releasing clouds of powder and perfume.
“We were born to beautify!” Skirmish cried joyfully, hugging Whiffle and squeezing another cloud of perfume from the atomizer’s nose.
Puffdoggie leaped out, wriggling and barking, running circles around Kara’s feet.
Mirabelle snapped open and closed excitedly. “We cannot bear to be parted from you again, Princess!”
“I will fluff! I will spritz!” Whiffle cried.
“Will you calm down!” Angelo yelled, pushing everyone in line.
Kara lit up—now it was her turn to cheer.
Emily and Adriane eyed the amazing accessories curiously, looked at each other, and shrugged.
Lorren walked over to Kara. “You truly know how to work a crowd.”
“I’m really a party mage.” Kara giggled, then said seriously, “Lorren, I want you to know I didn’t mean to destroy that power crystal.” She turned away. “At the last minute, I just lost it.”
“After what Tangoo did, who could blame you? No one here, certainly.” He looked into her eyes. “You saved the Fairy Realms.” Lorren clasped his hands over hers. “And together we’ll find Avalon.”
“Okay,” she smiled.
He bowed. “Now my friends are all insisting on dancing with the mages. So please help me or I may have to fight them off.”
“Wait right here,” she told Lorren, then dashed over to her friends.
Taking in the scene, Adriane quipped. “How are we ever going to keep Cinderella down on the farm?”
“That’s your job,” Kara responded, throwing her arms around Emily and Adriane’s shoulders. “Whatever happens, I’m counting on you and…”
They looked at Kara.
“I love you all very much.”
Lyra, Dreamer, Ozzie, Emily, Adriane, and Kara stood together, Goldie whirling overhead. Clasping hands to paws, the mages and their magical animal friends smiled at one another.
“Now let’s dance!” Kara commanded.
Colfax spun Adriane on the dance floor as Emily whipped Ozzie into a ferret-stomping frenzy. Lorren and Tasha moved and shimmied, laughing as all the guests whirled around the floor in celebration, their joyous laughter filling the air.
Kara looked on and smiled. She raised her unicorn jewel and gazed into its light. Diamond white and red fire entwined and sparkled. Her magic had changed, and she with it. Starfire’s magic had mixed with her own, strengthening and tempering her power. She was no longer trapped by her magic. She didn’t fear it. Come what may, she was now free to choose how she would use it. She might make mistakes—correction, she probably would make mistakes—but there was no going back. The past shaped who she was. But the kind of person she would grow to be, well, that was all in her hands, like the magic running through her jewel. Her friends loved her. She knew that as sure as the bright sun shining over the wondrous Fairy Realms. But it wasn’t about how much love she could gather in her life, it was how much she was willing to give back. That was the magic of the blazing star.
THE GIGANTIC BLACK spider thrumme
d down its web, dragging cocooned bodies past the three mirrors embedded in the silken strands. Long, spiked legs paused as it hissed at a cloaked figure that stood below.
“Yes, my pet, I missed you, too.” The Spider Witch laughed, pixilated eyes roving gleefully around the octagonal courtyard of her lair.
The Dark Sorceress stood a few steps back, watching uneasily as her ally stroked the spider’s massive head.
Appendages wriggling, the spider’s huge fangs slipped from its mouth, sinking into a carcass as it began to feed.
The Dark Sorceress turned away, shuddering as the spider clicked and slurped. There were some things not even she could stomach.
She cursed herself for showing such weakness. But this was a small price to pay for freedom. She had to admit the Spider Witch’s plan had worked perfectly. They had slipped undetected from the Otherworlds during Tangoo’s use—albeit short-lived—of the power crystal. It had been enough. They were free, and their enemies were none the wiser.
The Fairimentals now had two crystals in their possession, and soon it would be time for the Dark Sorceress’s own plan to begin. She needed only one more crystal in place to begin turning the Fairimental she had chosen to serve her.
The rustle of legs broke her thoughts as the Spider Witch approached.
“Poor thing hasn’t had fresh meat for a long time.”
The two swept into the castle’s dimly lit main chamber, where the witch had already begun work on a new tapestry. Hundreds of spiders hung from the stone ceiling, releasing silken strands of webbing that stretched down to the floor.
“How do you like it so far?” the Spider Witch asked, multifaceted eyes glistening yellow-green within the folds of her hood.
“It has its merits,” the Dark Sorceress replied, looking at the patterns already forming on the exquisite strands: trees, rivers, fields; a map of a dense forested region.
“The blazing star outdid herself,” the Spider Witch hissed.
The Dark Sorceress smiled, vampire teeth catching the light. “Your sorcerer made her angry.”
“Angry enough to destroy a power crystal. Did you know she had such power?”
“And you still think you can turn her?”